September 9 Update – College

Fair is a Baylor Bear!

You read that right!

After much thought, prayer, and consulting with her parents and some of the faculty and staff at Baylor, Fair has decided to take online classes this fall! 

She started two weeks ago and though obviously it is a big challenge she is doing well. All her professors are flexible and working with her to accommodate the circumstances she is attending college under.

I will admit I was concerned at first for her taking on this responsibility but I can see now how starting college has given her an extra sense of purpose and positivity and something to focus her mind on instead of cancer.

As a result of Covid-19 a lot of classes were available to her online that would not have been before – including being in the Baylor Women’s Choir. Imagine conducting a choir through Zoom with everyone in their homes. I think it’s pretty amazing.

In one week Fair starts her last stage of chemo treatment. As the pain from the tumors decrease as they continue to shrink, she is starting to feel more side effects from the aggressive chemo treatment. As a result she is still feeling pretty miserable but staying strong through it all.

If you are reading this through an email notification be sure to go to the website so you can see Fair showing off her beautiful new wig as she works on her homework.

Thank you for your continued prayers!